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Freak out Instruktionsskola som lär dig de nya danserna (Bugg, Break dance, disco, robot, showdans-jazz/Viking förlaget 40:-
Das Folkmusik Lexikon Paulin, Don 40:-
The Gibson Guitar - from 1950 Bishop, Ian C. 250:-
Michael Jackson- in his own words Dineen, Catherine 50:-
Jazzen i Malmö Bl.a från Amiralen till Swing inn, reflexioner av Leif "Smoke rings" Anderson, femtiotalet av Ö Warnebring m.m../Corona förlag AB 275:-
The Latin kings - texter Ernst, Tony 50:-
Lead guitar-A thorough guide to the basic styles of rock guitar, seen through the eyes of the lead guitarist Including improvisation, modulation, rock theory, blues riffs and a recording of tunings and practice accompaniments/Vinson, Harvey 65.-
Leonard Maltin´s 1997 movie & video guide More than 19000 entries, 300 new films, over 13000 video and 5000 laserdisc listings expanded title indexes of stars and directors 100:-
Lexikon Pop- ein sachwort-ABC der unterhaltungsmusik, von operette und schlager bis folk, jazz und rock/Höhne, Peter m.fl. (red.) 40:-
Lillian Roxon´s Rock encyclopedia Groups, individual artists, discographies/Naha, Ed 125:-
Livet är en fest Hela Sveriges pop- och rockhistoria/Löwstedt, Anders (red.) 60:-
Bob Marley and the roots of reggae McKnight, Cathy and Tobler, John 75:-
Steve Mariott- all to beautiful.. Hewitt, Paolo and Hellier, John 125:-
Mötley Crüe - the dirk Confessions of the wprld´s most notorius rock band 100:-
Das Neue lexikon der country music Jeier, Thomas 75:-
The New musical express book of rock Logan, Nick (ed.) 60:-
New Rock Record- enlarged, revised, expanded, 3rd edition A collector´s directory of rock albums and musicians/Hounsome, Terry 550:-
Numan, Gary- Praying to the aliens (an autobiography) 75:-

Last updated 14-06-12